Thursday, May 22, 2014


Walk away before he hangs your heart! Love is essential do not let anyone compromise yours anymore. Enough is enough let us not tie invisible chains and if they were as strong, it took Mandela 27 years to be free pause en compare how many years in total did he take to liberate South Africa? Many should be appropriate but how many chances will you have to give for change, which is inevitable she`s not the only best cook but you do not know because your loyal. Do not be miss guided loyalty is for royalty… What makes up your castle love, hate, status or is a total coincidence your together. Love is pure bliss pure hunger full of passion of your better other, the world is not complete without the seas, mountains, rivers and it`s natural features. What does your world offer that’s beautiful like Africa thirst quenching like the fresh rivers? Time has come to spread your wings sore high and find happiness you deserve it.       

1 comment:

  1. I could read your blogs over and over, this has got me assessing myself... What makes up my castle 🤔

    Good job!
